الثلاثاء، 18 ديسمبر 2012

Endearingly silly 3

"I really don't know what I did wrong, which is very bad. But, on the other hand, I'm so terribly sincerely sorry, which is a good thing, right?"

"...", she just sat there on the sofa and gave him her most devilish 'I'm so gonna kill you' glare

"Right, sweetie?!"

"..." now the glare turned to ' I'm so gonna torture you, then kill you in the most horrible way' glare

"And we are back to the silent treatment, ladies and gentlemen" He gestured with his hands to his invisible audience while standing in front of her.

"Sarcasm is so not helping your case!!!" she said in a very hushed tone as if speaking to herself.

"What was that?! Is that you speaking?! because, technically, if you are speaking even in a barely audible whisper, then you have already broken the 'silent treatment code'...Where are you going?"

"Our room to call the police and warn them that if they receive a domestic abuse complaint from here that they are not to answer it and that you deserved every last bruise."

"If it means that you will talk to me, I'll take each little slap from your tiny little fingers, which hurts by the way. But, I will happily take them."

She really tried not to smile, but with him being so dorky adorable, she couldn't help the twitch at the corners of her mouth. There must be a book somewhere called "how to stay incredibly mad at him" and it's about time to start looking for it.

"That is a smile. Yes definitely a smile. Okay, so you are probably laughing at me, but you're smiling, and it is directed at me, and I'm going to take it as a good sign, and no, you are not allowed to take it back according to the 'silent treatment code' "

"Really! The silent treatment code?! where do you come up with this stuff ?!" She said with an amused smirk and got up walking his way and saying "Come on, if we are gonna have this talk, we will need to step away from our sweet TV to a more demilitarized zone"

He grasped her hand, and felt that warm feeling of possessiveness when she easily slipped her hand in his and linked her fingers with his "You mean the small magic box, that sits in front of your recliner?!"

She smiled sweetly and said, "Yup, definitely in need of a demilitarized zone , and no, you are not getting out of this with an attack to my sweet recliner and a cute puppy eyes, you are not getting of the hook easily this time"

"Oh man, you have got to be kidding me!!! If I lost my puppy eyes effect, I have nothing. It's like super-man without any powers...minus the tights of course, so not my style, and the red underwear too...If you think about it, I'm not into the whole flying thing and that bad haircut, no way!"

By the time he ended his rambling, they were standing in the middle of their kitchen and she was already grabbing a seat and looking at him like he had a concussion or something.

"Well, you get the idea, my puppy eyes is my super power. Do they really have no effect on you?" He asked giving her a puppy eyes that would have given the cutest puppy ever a run for its money.

"OK, OK, fine...They have a great effect on me but we're still going to talk." She said with an amused smile and a wave of her hand. He took the other seat in front of her and she swore that if he had a tail, he would be wiggling it right about then.


They said at the same time. Then, he took his invisible microphone and handed it to her. She raised a perfect eyebrow and said "We're going to talk like two people who are actually both adults and married."

"About what?!" He said. And was that a fake innocence or was he really that oblivious? She couldn't tell.

She went with her instinct and as always spoke her mind, "How about why we no longer talk like we used to? Or, why I no longer know anything about your life? It's like this force is coming between us. First, it was small things, like when you came upset from work and I would ask you, and you would say that everything was fine, or when you would argue with your parents, and insisted that it wasn't about me. It felt like you were pushing me away. We were pushed onto separate pages. Then, suddenly it is as though we are on different planets. And you don't even realize it."

"It's not like that. It's just--"

"I…feel this distance between us. This had been going on for months, this gradual descent into loneliness, it's like I'm not even there and I've tried to understand. But there was nothing to understand, you simply don't love me...Not like I love you" She looked up at him to get her point across. His eyes were filled with brokenness and sadness she had never seen before in them.

"No! Just no. Stop right there, because if you don't know how much I love you, then there must be something wrong with this world... Ever since the day I met you, you've been nothing but an unstoppable force in my life that I know I don't ever want to live without. You make life worth living. If I just knew how this was hurting you, I would never have done it. I guess I just didn't want to weigh you down with my problems."

She sighed, and her eyes softened as she grabbed his hand, running her thumb over the back of it. He looked at her, into her eyes, and he realizes he can get lost in them, in their warmth.

"That's what you're allowed to do when you're married. It's a license allowing you to nag that someone for the rest of your lives, and even after that if you behave." She gave him a warm smile that was like the sun and the moon had shined over him at the same time before continuing with her speech. " It's what you're supposed to do. It's your right to tell me and my duty to listen, just as it is my right to cause you migraine headache with every tiny little detail in my life." She gave him a sobbing laugh that broke all his defenses and he found himself getting up, taking her in his arms and tucking her head under his chin. He closed his eyes and flashes of years down the road in this same position played behind his eyes and he knew he found his own paradise on earth.

"You big oaf." She said while hitting his chest playfully.

"But you're my oaf." She whispered softly as she wrapped her arms around his waist and buried her face against his chest, and thought about that stupid quote that said "love is blind.", the one who said it was certainly not in love, in her opinion, because when you really are in love with someone, both feet in and all, you actually see the flaws and the faults, but those flaws and faults make you love them even more, because it makes them real and human. She thought of how he loves how she is a hothead because it means that she cares so openly and passionately. And how she loves how sensitive and awkward he is, because it means that he loves her and cares about her in his own way. She even loves the way he goofs around sometimes to get out of trouble because he kind of makes her laugh, and there is absolutely nothing she would like to change about him because God made him perfect just for her and she is truly grateful.

الأربعاء، 5 ديسمبر 2012

Endearingly silly 2

She gave a heavy sigh. Finally, the day was over and she sat on her recliner, with no one but her own thoughts. She closed her eyes and let go, released her mind and surrendered to the feeling of peace this chair always gave her. On it, she could feel victory, even for a little while. She remembered the day they bought it and how they battled because he felt it wasn't necessary, to the extent that she had to scarify her dream of having the LCD just to have her sweat recliner. These were the good days, when your biggest problem was to choose between a recliner and a LCD

What'cha Doin'? " He said just beneath her ear.

She flinched and spun around to face him. "God! You can't sneak up on people like that!!! You're gonna give me a heart attack."

"Sorry," He said, but his mouth was curved in that annoying small, amused smile of his and he didn't sound sorry in the least. "So, the recliner... Anything I need to know?" He asked knowingly.

After all, that was their thing. If she was sad, she sat on her recliner, and if he was sad, he sat in front of their small TV complaining about not buying the LCD.

She just looked at him and smiled her ' I'm so miserable and about to cry ' smile.
He opened his arms to her. "Come here." He motioned with his head.
She gave him a skeptical look before getting up and moving closer and within embracing distance. The moment he put his arms around her, she started to shake uncontrollably from crying and asked with a slightly irritated tone, "So you think that is going to solve everything?" 
He slightly tightened his arms around her. "No, but considering the week you've had, I don't think I've given you enough hugs," He replied softly, "and I was once told that hugs are the best way to make the bad things go away."
She smiled against his chest and began to relax into his embrace. "That's a good piece of advice to follow."
"I know. I took it from an expert" he said.
"Well then, less talking and more cuddling," she demanded as her arms wrapped around his neck.

At exactly that moment, he knew that she did not need someone to fight her battles for her. She just needed someone to understand, to trust her enough to uphold her own self and at the end of the day meet her with an open arm.