الأربعاء، 15 مايو 2013



I still remember sitting in Geometry class, and being shown the { f(x) = 1/x } graph. A curving line that gets closer and closer to the axis, but never, ever touches it. Never crosses over into the netherworld of negative numbers, just strays closer and closer to the edge, lets the tension grow. I always thought it was the bravest and most determined curve of all curves... a fighter... But now all I keep thinking is, wouldn't it be better if the damn curve just crossed the stupid axis already?! It is just putting off the inevitable anyway. Wouldn't it be better to exist in the horrors on the other side of the axis if it meant breaking the tension?!

At the end, it's always better to know for sure - even if it breaks your heart - than keep hanging to a false hope.

اللهم ارني الحق حقاً و ارزقني اتباعه و ارني الباطل باطلاً و ارزقني اجتنابه... آمين


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