الأحد، 14 أبريل 2013



"I can do it!" She cried.

Then - as always- came the awkward reply, "Yeah – But. We just don't want you to get hurt, you-"

"Hey! I can do it!"

"Sweetie," they started, resigned to hurting her feelings yet again, "Look, we know you want-"

"Please? I know just what to do! It's not hard. Please. Please let me do it..."

They looked at each other for support as they - as always recently- prepared to deny her pleading.

So there she was again – the baby of the family. Loved – yes, liked – very, thought of admirably – sure. But still a little girl, still the weakest of them all, the one everyone had to watch out for, since she was too sick to watch out for herself. She silently looked to the ground and tried her best not to cry.


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